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2 New LEGO Harry Potter Summer 2021 Sets Revealed: Hogsmeade + Chamber Of Secrets

The first LEGO Harry Potter 2021 sets have been revealed after the Golden Anniversary Minifigures were revealed a week ago and we gave you more information and rumours yesterday. Only two of the set releasing in June have been revealed today with another four expected to be revealed soon. These two sets are Hogsmeade Village Visit and Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets.

76388: Hogsmeade Village Visit

Finally we get to see the first ever set based on the village near Hogwarts called Hogsmeade. The set comes with two shops: The Three Broomsticks and Honey Dukes. These are both open at the back so are more accessible. Both sets contain counters and their own products with shelves and tables dotted around in both buildings. They also both contain a small upstairs section. The buildings are also covered with snow like in the movies.

The set includes Harry, Dean, Professor McGonagall, Madame Rosmerta (the land lady of The Three Broomsticks) and the Owners of Honey Dukes, Mr. and Mrs. Flume. All of those Minifigures come in their own special winter outfits with many being exclusive. The Golden Minifigure included is Ron.

Set Name - Hogsmeade Village Visit

Set Number - 76388

Ages - 9+

Piece Count - 851

Price - $79.99

Release Date - June 1st 2021

76389: Hogwarts Chamber Of Secrets

The biggest sets of the wave, contains the Great Hall, the Great Stair Tower and the Chamber of Secrets. Compared to other Hogwarts sets, this set will be nowhere near as detailed but entrance door to the chamber and a larger basilisk than previous ones are obvious highlights of the set.

This set is a Hogwarts expansion set but does not connect to previous Hogarts sets since 2018. Currently, it can only connect to other sets from this wave which will come in the same coloured green roof

A wide variety of Minifiugres are also included: Harry, Ginny, Luna, Justin, Dumbledore, nearly-headless Nick who excitingly glows in the dark, Colin Creevey, Lockhart in his orange robes, Tom Riddle, a teacher and a Golden Voldemort.

Set Name - Hogwarts Chamber Of Secrets

Set Number - 76389

Ages - 9+

Piece Count - 1176

Price - $129.99

Release Date - June 1st 2021

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