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LEGO Sonic The Hedgehog 40781 Badnik: Crabmeat GWP Officially Revealed | February 2025

The LEGO Sonic The Hedgehog theme has already seen the release of three sets last month but in February the licensed gaming theme will see its first Gift With Purchase release. This GWP in particular is 40781 Badnik: Crabmeat which includes a total of 181 pieces for a currently unknown threshold and unknown release date.

The 9+ model recreates the Badnik Crabmeat in brick-built LEGO form. The villainous robotic crab has already been seen in LEGO form before but this time in a much larger, display-like model. The buildable red and grey character has moveable arms, legs and eyestalks giving it a cartoon-like feel.

Along with all its moveable joints, Crabmeat also has openable and closable claws along with a hidden compartment for the captured animal Tocky. The Badnik sits on a Green Hill Zone-inspired display stand with the use of LEGO Nexo Knights shields. Translucent pieces are used to connect Crabmeat to the stand allowing the robotic crab to be displayed in multiple ways.

40781 Badnik: Crabmeat

Set Name - Badnik: Crabmeat

Set Number - 40781

Age Range - 9+

Piece Count - 181

Price - TBC GWP

Release Date - February 2025

40781 Badnik: Crabmeat is available as a Gift With Purchase at some point during February 2025 but what do you think? Will you be looking to pick up 40781 throughout the next few months? What other LEGO Sonic The Hedgehog-inspired GWPs and sets would you like to see in the future? Let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.


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